Amplify Web Design

Aviation Web Design: An Effective E-Commerce Site for ToughPilot

Aviation Web Design Challenge in for E-Commerce

How does a new product break into a market with long term established competitors, a customer base who hold traditional behaviors around safety and with limited exposure capacity? When we were first contacted by ToughPilot, these issues seemed to be a monumental hurdle to overcome and achieve a successful launch of their new product and yet, we managed to see a rapid uptake within several days of website launch allowing them to sell out of their initial stock within 3 weeks. From this experience, we wanted to showcase how using specialized aviation web design can enhance the user experience to convey trust and safety while driving business success.

By partnering with Amplify Web Design, the team at ToughPilot has managed to help bridge the gap between safety and affordability when it comes to the use of helmets with an added benefit of comfort and a flexible head sizing. Their main vision is to provide reassurance to pilots who want to travel and explore using their aircraft with the reassurance the need to make it safely back home to their families. Whether you are an aviation professional or a business looking to improve your digital footprint, the insights we found from our experience with ToughPilot will illustrate the importance of your web design agency understanding the key aspects of your industry to return exceptional value.

Aviation Web Design

Understanding the Needs of the Aviation Market

Target Audience for Aviation Web Design

The large portion of the traditional aviation market consists of a specialized group of professionals including pilots, regulators and maintainers. The strict regulations of the industry create a culture of need for high expectation when it comes to purchasing anything related to safety. Conversely, due to the high level of regulation, these participants also reject any additional burden that is deemed unnecessary (or not mandated) and here lies the challenge. Consider the typical 1950’s driver pushing back on the need for seatbelts. While mandatory regulation is what finally won the argument in the case for seatbelts in vehicles, the perception of “necessary safety” was not enough to convince most people to buckle up.

With the lessons from the past in mind, how do you then convince pilots to wear a helmet while in an aircraft? People have been flying for decades without the use of helmets so why the sudden focus on it? The answer was simple: Because only the best pilots have recognized the danger of hard surfaces within their cockpit and choose to wear head protection. Race Pilots, Military Pilots, Agricultural Pilots, Muster Pilots and many other professional pilots routinely wear a helmet every time they fly an airplane so if you want to be the best, you have to act like the best.

Safety and Trust Through Element Selection

Even with the prospective client now convinced to consider wearing a helmet, why would they pay good money to strap on your product? This is the key element that we had to tackle for ToughPilot in conveying the level of safety and trust in their product. This was achieved through a carefully selected logo and the provision of a couple of pages for the safety certification.

Aviation Web Design Logo

The Logo was selected based on a recognized safety device being a Turn Slip Coordinator. The aim was to convey an added layer of safety that was not needed until things went really wrong in the cockpit. This device helps pilots who accidentally wander into clouds and which the average lifespan of an untrained pilot who enters cloud is around 139 seconds. At least with a Turn Slip Coordinator, they have half a chance at survival. The same can be said for a helmet that while it won’t stop you from crashing, it will help you to walk away since over 50% of the accident statistics identify head trauma in the cockpit as a key injury (including fatalities).

Product Safety Information

Although the safety certifications are seldom read by customers, they do want to see that these elements exist and are available to read. So withToughPilot, the team went directly to their supplier for these certifications and we applied them to the about page on the site. This quickly shows that the product has been tested to a standard and that the customer can trust that it is fit for the intended purpose. During our research we did find that there is no standard for aircraft helmets in Australia and also provided this information to backup the claims made by ToughPilot on its website.

Aviation Web Design Logo

Aviation Industry Standards and Design Choices

Compliance with Aviation industry standards goes beyond legality and is a matter of a brands integrity and trustworthiness. You must be upfront about what you are offering and what you are not. Toughpilot’s website was designed with a clear understanding of these requirements including the product specifications and industry best practices. By reflecting these standards in its digital presence, ToughPilot can assure customers that their helmets are not only affordable, but meet have been tested to a certification standard.

Although the safety certifications are seldom read by customers, they do want to see that these elements exist and are available to read. So with ToughPilot, the team went directly to their supplier for these certifications and we applied them to the about page on the site. This quickly shows that the product has been tested to a standard and that the customer can trust that it is fit for the intended purpose. During our research we did find that there is no standard for aircraft helmets in Australia and also provided this information to backup the claims made by ToughPiloton its website.

Key Elements of Effective Aviation Web Design

User Experience (UX)


A crucial aspect of aviation web design is ensuring that the website is easy to navigate. ToughPilot’s website features a clean, intuitive navigation that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. We spent time with the team from ToughPilot to clearly map out the way in which the information was to be presented to the customer and what key aspects or details were going to support each step. This streamlined navigation is essential for aviation professionals who are used to accessing information in a logical format.

Mobile Responsiveness

In an industry where professionals are often on the go, having a mobile-responsive design is imperative. We spent alot of time to ensure the website is fully optimized for mobile devices. This guarantees that the users can access product information, make purchases, and read safety guidelines from their smartphones or tablets without any loss of functionality or user experience. This responsiveness enhances accessibility and convenience, catering to the needs of busy aviation professionals. The added bonus is that mobile responsiveness is one of the assumed core metrics for ranking in google and thus a very important aspect of the website design.

Web Design Aviation Industry

Visual Design


While functionality is key, aesthetics also play a significant role in user engagement. We worked with the team at ToughPilot so that the website strikes a balance between a visually appealing design and practical functionality. The use of high-quality images, professional graphics, and a cohesive color scheme reflects the brand’s identity and values. We used several of ToughPilots in-house product photos to build out the site and ensure that we provide a theme and experience aligned to the professional and exciting nature of aviation.

Brand Identity

The design of ToughPilot’s website is closely aligned with its brand identity, which emphasizes safety and affordability. The visual elements, including the logo, color palette, and typography, consistently reflect these values in a really simple way. The website’s design translates the brand’s commitment to providing reliable and cost-effective safety solutions, reinforcing trust with potential customers.

Content Strategy

Product Information

Detailed and accessible product information is vital for customers making purchasing decisions online. The comprehensive product descriptions, including specifications, safety features, and benefits all help to give customers more information to support a decision. The challenge of the online market place is to provide the right information the customer needs to evaluate your product without that product actually in their hands. More often than not, it is less about conveying the product itself and more about how the product will make you feel that is key to achieving a sale. Each helmet’s page includes high-resolution images, detailed technical data, and user reviews, ensuring customers have all the information they need to make an informed choice.

ToughPilot Aviation Web Design

New Aviation Product Delivered through E-Commerce

For us, the ToughPilot website build highlights the importance of understanding the industry you are working in to tailor your sites message. By researching the unique needs of aviation professionals, implementing key design elements and providing detailed product information, ToughPilot’s website effectively serves its target market. The site’s user-friendly interface, mobile responsiveness, detailed product information and secure e-commerce functionality all contribute to a superior online experience.

For aviation professionals seeking reliable safety equipment or businesses looking to improve their digital footprint, ToughPilot’s website offers valuable insights into the power of effective web design. With our expertise in creating tailored web solutions for niche markets, we can transform your vision into a compelling digital experience.

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